Hover over images with the mouse to get project descriptions.
Click the image links to navagate you to the project's page.

Click on the image to navigate to my old portfolio, this was built over 2 years ago to demo some of the projects I had done in school and right after. I was using this site as a sandbox to learn new skill/techniques in web dev.

Note: I am currently compiling information, images, and links to projects I have worked on since I built this first portfolio. I will be working to create an updated version of my portfolio to display the skills I have learned since creating this first one.

"It is by logic that you prove.
But by intuition that you discover." - Leonardo da Vinci

"The only source of knowledge is experience. "
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." -Albert Einstein

Click on the image to navigate to a mock Flikr site I built from scratch using PHP5. I opted against using a framework to learn how to build the functionality. The styles are basic, because I was focusing more on the functionality.

Functionality includes: AJAX rating, commenting, downloading and uploading of images, permission settings on images, php mailer, pagination, authentication process, profile management and more.

Copyright 2012, Alan DeLonga

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